Bobby is now creating a series of abstract paintings based on photos taken from the Hubble spacecraft. Bobby's ability to translate these breathtaking visions into space are creating quite a stir in the art community. NASA has chosen to feature these paintings in their video series, "Hubble at 25." Since there is no "up" or  "down" in space, these paintings may be hung vertically or horizontally!

       The Beginning BUY

Size:72W x 48H Original Oil Painting $9,500  This large Nebula is over 4000 light years from earth. Featured in NASA's "Hubble at 25" video series. May be hung horizontally or vertically.

                        Heavenbound  SOLD

Size:24 x 36 Original Painting SOLD The Eagle Nebula is depicted in this stunning abstract oil painting. Print available in Art Gallery.

                        Scorpius BUY  

Size: 36W x 48H Original Oil Painting $7,500

This Nebula is over 4000 light years from earth. Featured in NASA's "Hubble at 25" video series.

                            Creation  BUY    

Size:48H x 60W Original Oil Painting $8,500

This breathtaking abstract oil painting is based on the Omega Swan Nebula, over 5,000 light years from earth. It is over 80 times larger than our sun.

                        Centaurus I & II  SOLD

18W x 36H Each $2,750 Together 36W x 36H $5,000 The Centaurus Galaxy, 15 million light years from earth. May be purchased separately or as a pair. Gallery wrapped, no frames needed. Featured in "Hubble at 25" video series.

                     Spiral Nebula BUY

Size:36H x 48W Original Oil Painting $7,500 

This amazing abstract depicts billions of small stars being born from older stars near the core. Featured in "Hubble at 25" television series.

                             Starburst     SOLD

Size:36W x 36H Original Oil Painting SOLD  A Supernova, or exploding star that is 160,000 light years from earth. Bobby has given this oil painting an abstract, ethereal quality. Featured in the "Hubble at 25" television series!

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